Wednesday, 29 October 2008

wwr bulletin update! oct 2008:

Hello people! this is our technical 1st real bulletin for all the updates and info in wrongwayround world! its not halloween related at all so if its blood and guts your after go watch slipknot or something..


THE MOMENT YOU HAVE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR! is almost here, wrongwayround punk zine number 2 is basically done. and you should be able to get you grubby mits on one in around 2 weeks...

so heres a teaser in the form of the front cover, trust me the inside is even more lovely.
frame that shit people!


so this issue also includes something free but we not letting out what yet... last time for those of you lucky enough to get 1 of the 80 dvds in exsistence from issue one.
frame that shit 2!

ALSO! our 1st show back on the tracks of doing shows! please i can not stress enoughn how important it is for you to get you butts to these shows so we can continue to do more greater shows with bigger or smaller bands!

heres the details for that cats:

hello one and all we are doing shows again! Please come and support us and the bands! thanks.
tickets are available now! from the joiners, southampton guildhall box office, seetickets. com , oxfam music southampton.

here is the facebook link thang:

http://www. facebook. com/event. php?eid=29042840278#wall_posts

Last. fm event

http://www. last. fm/event/761054

Seetickets link:

http://www. seetickets. com/see/event. asp?e|artist=FAKE+PROBLEMS&n|artist=null&resultsperpage=20&filler1=see&filler2=art-srch

***Also includes free entry to joiners nightclub open til 3am 'unit' just keep you ticket stubs!***

check this:


so yesh hopefully see you all soon, and we arent accepting any more cd's for review intil the next issue so sorry...

god bless, much love. get sticky. rick.

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